Membership Application Please fill out the required information below and our leadership will reach out to you soon. "*" indicates required fields Company InformationLegal Name of Company*Operating Name (if different)Company Address* Street Address City Postal Telephone*CellFaxWebsite Years in Business*Select One* Sole Proprietorship Corporation Partnership Business Category*Number of Employees*What percentage of total business does the above business category represent?*Briefly Describe Your Company and the Services You Provide*List other associations, clubs, organizations etc that your business is currently a member of and what positions are heldProfessional Licenses / AffiliationsMember InformationMember's Name*Years with Company*Position with Company*Email* Cell Phone*Alternate’s Name*Years with Company*Position with Company*Email* Cell Phone*Reference InformationPlease list three references (at least two should be business references)Name*Company*Email* Telephone*Name*Company*Email* Telephone*Name*Company*Email* Telephone*Sponsor InformationYour sponsor is the current member who has invited you to the group and is sponsoring your membershipSponsor Name*Sponsor Company*Agreement* I agree*Upon Acceptance of my application, I agree to have the amount of $125 +HST per month withdrawn monthly from my bank account (Direct Deposit information attached). I certify that all the information listed is accurate to the best of my knowledge.Consent I agree to receive future communications from London Referral NetworkCAPTCHA